Onward Ho and Edward Go

I just finished a complete draft of something I started a week ago. Feels good. It was one of those poems that goes right off the rails at some point and becomes something completely different from what I had intended it to be. I love those. (It’s on the [ padlock ] page for authorized readers.)

In related news, I’ve been asked to participate on the editorial board for an upcoming Diamond Point Press anthology. Diamond Point Press publishes the journals twenty20, Muscle & Blood, and Liebamour, the upcoming third issue of which will include one of my poems. I and three others will collaborate to select about forty poems and short stories from all prior issues, plus some artwork. This is exciting for me, as I’ve never done this sort of thing before. Plus, I’ve just noticed that I even get paid.

I’ve also just noticed that the first issue of Liebamour includes a story by Hugh Fox, whose name I recognized from the list of contributors to the upcoming debut issue of Constellations. What I didn’t realize was that Hugh Fox was one of the founding editors of the Pushcart Prize, and was apparently the first writer to publish a critical study of the works of Charles Bukowski. I’m simmering in quiet awe.

Down to eight poems and ten submissions in the hole.